If you want to stop procastinating and
start earning money in your online business

Breakthrough session

1e of 3e vrijdag van de maand van 9:00 – 10:00 uur

You know what you want, but can't seem to do it

Are you struggling with doubts about your online offering or online entrepreneurship?

Uncertainty clouds your mind:

  • Is your pilot’s price not too high or low?
  • Are you providing enough value to avoid disappointing customers?
  • What if you’re overlooking a broader audience that your online program could benefit?
  • Faced with multiple target groups and unsure of which to choose?


  • Gaining a fresh perspective on your plans.
  • Collaborating with someone who ensures your decisions make sense.
  • Exploring new ideas when you encounter roadblocks.

With a brief consultation, you’ll swiftly make informed choices, ready to spring into action.

Do I actually need to learn more things?

Or do I need a from of accountability or support
to implement what I already know?

Benefit from my years of experience and out-of-the-box approach

Since I started as an online entrepreneur in 2018, I’ve assisted hundreds of people with the technology behind their online programs. This has granted me profound insights into challenges people encounter. I also faced obstacles when I followed the conventional approach for my own online program.

Consequently, I embarked on a quest for alternatives. By consistently taking action and experimenting with what works for me, I discovered numerous alternatives. By delving deeper into your needs and collaborating to find the approach that suits you, you’re guaranteed to regain momentum after attending this session.

After this session, you’ll regain clarity on your path forward, allowing you to sell your knowledge in a way that feels effortless.

Breakthrough Session

297 euros
  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Via Zoom

About Esther Bennett

I am Esther Bennett, and when I started as an online entrepreneur in 2018, I immediately fell in love with the idea. Passive income, the ability to work wherever and whenever you want, and an income not tied to the number of hours you work, all greatly appealed to me.

Along the way, I discovered that the methods I was learning didn’t resonate with me: I didn’t enjoy reading or writing ebooks. Watching videos and completing workbooks didn’t motivate me. I missed having contact with my clients.

I learned there was an alternative way: being an online entrepreneur with extensive interaction with clients and among clients. This was the approach that resonated with me. When I discovered that, I saw possibilities ahead:

Scalable products (via Zoom, you can serve numerous people simultaneously). Flexibility to work wherever and whenever you want. Making an impact on a small group of people at once. Fully embracing my ‘Zone of Genius’: actively engaging with clients through personal conversations.

My most recent transition was that I discovered I don’t want a large online business. I just want to work with a couple of clients each month. Enough to pay the bills and a little bit for some fun.

So if you want to have a small-scale online business, a simple business that suits you and your customers – then you’ve come to the right place. I would love to build that business with you.

Togehter you go faster and farther than on your own

Ontwerp jouw eerste groepstraject in 4 weken

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